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Other information

School Photographs

Twice a year a school photographer visits the academy to take the children's photographs. Individual photographs and family groups are taken in the Autumn Term and preschool children are welcome to come along too. Class and team photographs are taken in the Summer Term. There is no obligation to purchase any photos.

Carrying Money

It is inadvisable for your child to bring large amounts of money into the academy. Where this is unavoidable the money should be placed in a sealed, named envelope and given to a member of staff for safekeeping.

School Fund

The academy has one audited non-official fund. Money in this fund is generated by the school itself and is used for a variety of different things.

Charging Policy

The governors have a charging and remissions policy which states that, subject to statutory restriction, voluntary charges will be made for all extra academy visits requiring transport and admission fees, and for groups visiting the academy. No child will be denied a curricular experience if their parents do not make a voluntary contribution. The school has very limited funds at its disposal to subsidise activities as outlined above and events may have to be cancelled if sufficient funds are not forthcoming.

Conduct at the Academy

While on the acaemy site, we expect everyone to adhere to the policies set down by the Governing Body. Warboys Primary Academy is a no smoking site; this includes all the Academy grounds. All pupils and parents who cycle to the academy should dismount when on the Academy premises. This is for everybody’s safety including the young children who are around at the start and end of the day.

Finally, the academy treats everybody with courtesy and respect and we expect to be treated the same. We will not tolerate any abusive language or behaviour towards any member of staff at any time.

Mobile Phones

We do not encourage pupils to bring mobile phones to teh academy. If your child needs to bring a mobile phone it should be handed in to the academy office at the beginning of the day for safe-keeping. The mobile phone can then be collected at the end of the day.

We will confiscate any mobile phone that is used by a pupil on the premises and ask for a parent to collect the phone. If children need to contact their parents during the day, they should speak to their class teacher. The academy does not accept any responsibility for any damage to, or loss of, a mobile phone.


Contact Us

Humberdale Way, Warboys, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE28 2RX

01487 822317